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Please note: Use the Assigned Risk Premium Calculator for quoting purposes.
User Registration
Required fields are in bold.
First Name:
Middle Initial:
Last Name:
Name of Agency:
FEIN Number:
- -
- -
User Name:
Password: (password is case sensitive, must be at least 8 characters long and include 2 numbers)
Retype Password:
Email:   Confirm Email:
Security Question:   

Additional Contacts: The registered user and additional contacts entered in this registration form will be copied on
all OAR email notifications about the status changes and payment reminders for any applications associated with this username. An alternate contact may be listed on an individual application and will receive notifications about that particular application only.

OAR will not send these additional contacts your username and password.  

Additional Contacts: Add New
Contact NameEmail 
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IMPORTANT: To ensure our emails continue to reach your inbox, please add our email address (oar@caom.com) to your address book, and exempt it from any e-mail SPAM filters you use (consult your IT support for specific details). 


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